Beancurd clothing automatic extraction drying molding machine

Beancurd clothing automatic extraction drying molding machine

  • Category:Beancurd clothing, beancurd bamboo production line
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  • Release time:2022-08-09 14:46:09
  • Product description

Product introduction:

Beancurd clothing automatic extraction drying molding machine, the equipment by the conveyor belt, dryer, evaporation pot, transmission motor, cold air tube, electric control box, steam table and other parts. This equipment is automatic assembly line equipment, soymilk into the evaporation pot, through the heat preservation and cooling process, the surface of the pot skin products into the conveyor belt, automatic roll up, drying machine, so repeated, until the soymilk is all processed.

Product parameters:

Name: Beancurd clothing automatic extraction drying molding machine

Model number: WXDY-4

Size: 13800×1150×2100mm

Power: 1.8KW

Output: 8 jin/hour (beancurd clothing width 550mm)

Product features:

1. Continuous operation, high production efficiency.

2. Automatic temperature control, stable product quality.

3. Automatic extraction, drying and forming, one time completion.

4. Save labor, energy and reduce production costs.

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