Old tofu automatic halogen coagulator

Old tofu automatic halogen coagulator

  • Category:Old tofu production line
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  • Release time:2022-08-09 14:54:41
  • Product description

Product introduction:

Old tofu automatic halogen coagulator, this set of equipment can use different coagulants such as brine, gypsum to automatically mix and solidify soymilk. System control by touch man-machine dialogue automatic control program, soymilk, coagulant injection amount, solidification time, stirring speed, brain breaking degree, water removal, etc., can be manually set and adjusted.

Product parameters:

Name: Old tofu automatic halogen machine

Model number: WXZDJ

Size: 6500×1680×3200mm

Power: 2.2KW

Production: 60--90 b/h

Product features:

1. Suitable for a variety of coagulant point brain.

2. The point brain is uniform and the setting time is standard.

3. Key point parameters can be adjusted and set.

4. Smooth operation and convenient operation.

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