Thick thousand-sheet casting molding machine (thick thousand-sheet production equipment)

Thick thousand-sheet casting molding machine (thick thousand-sheet production equipment)

  • Category:Thick and thin thousands of assembly lines
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  • Release time:2022-08-09 15:08:03
  • Product description

Product introduction:

Thick thousand-sheet casting molding machine (thick thousand-sheet production equipment), the equipment is composed of electric control box, upper cloth, lower cloth, automatic folding trolley, pouring mesh belt, flower tray, machine tool and other parts. The whole process from point pulp, pouring, to press, mop only need 2 people to operate.

Product parameters:

Name: Thick one thousand sheet casting molding machine

Model number: WXJZ-2

Size: 6000*870*1670mm

Yield: 150-200 kg/h

Power: 0.75KW

The equipment is composed of electric control box, upper cloth, lower cloth, automatic folding trolley, casting net belt, flower tray, machine tool and other parts.

Product features:

1. Automatic folding and automatic entering press.

2. Flexible venue, saving labor.

3. Pouring evenly, no scraps.

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