
Specific practices of soy products

2022-08-08 11:33:16

Specific practices of soy products

1. Ribs stewed soybeans as follows: 250g soybeans, 250g ribs, salt, ginger, rice wine a small amount of soybeans soaked in water, about 4 hours to wash the beans, into the pressure cooker, into the ribs, water and condiments, stew can be!

The practice of pig's feet soybean soup material: 500g of pig's feet, 50g of soybeans Seasoning: ginger, scallion, salt practice:

1. Blanch the pig's feet in boiling water. Soya beans soak in water for a moment.

2. Put soybeans, pig feet and ginger in a pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Add scallions, season to taste.

1. Vinegar soaking soybean method. The specific practice is like this: wash the beans, pour into the pot and fry for 20-25 minutes, wait for the pot to cool later into the glass bottle, fill half a bottle, the other half bottle of vinegar, and then sealed away from the sun storage 5-6 days can be eaten. Eat 5-6 vinegar soya beans every morning and evening, and pay attention to diet and exercise, the effect will be better.

2, vinegar soaking soy curing and fumigation method. Clean the fresh soybeans with water, put them in the strainer, dry the water; Put the beans into a clean bottle without oil and water, pour rice vinegar, not over the beans, seal back, so that the beans fully immersed in the vinegar, at least 15 days before opening the lid to use.

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