
Soy products and honey are both good nutrients, but the two foods should not be eaten together.

2022-08-08 11:35:24

Soy products and honey are both good nutrients, but the two foods should not be eaten together.

Tofu can clear heat disperses blood, the large intestine turbid qi. Honey sweet cool smooth, two things with food, easy to cause diarrhea. At the same time, honey contains a variety of enzymes, tofu contains a variety of minerals, vegetable proteins and organic acids, and the combination of the two is easy to produce adverse biochemical reactions to the human body. Therefore, after eating tofu, it is not suitable to eat honey, but it is not suitable to eat with.

The protein content of soymilk is higher than that of milk, while honey contains a small amount of organic acids. When the two are mixed, organic acids combine with proteins to produce denatured deposits, which cannot be absorbed by the human body.

In addition, it is better not to add brown sugar in soy milk, because there are a variety of organic acids in brown sugar, they combine with protease in soy milk, simple protein denaturation deposition, not simple absorption by the human body. White sugar does not.

Legumes contain inhibitors, saponin, and lectins, which are not good for human health. The best way to resist them is to boil soymilk. People who eat soymilk for a long time should not forget to make up for the trace element zinc.

Honey is rich in nutrients, rich in carbohydrates, niacin and potassium, magnesium, iron and other minerals, its sweet taste, smooth, can tonify the spleen and stomach, tonifying deficiency moistening dryness, nourishing Yin and moistening lung.

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